Building a Successful Diverse Business

Your Building Blocks for Success

Building a Successful Diverse Business focuses on the essential tools that owners need to successfully establish their businesses in the marketplace.

This one-week program from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth is designed for emerging entrepreneurs who are looking to build a strong foundation of business knowledge and learn how to be a better supplier to corporations.

During this program, participants work closely with Tuck’s accomplished faculty on key areas that entrepreneurs need to master for success, including strategy, marketing, financial analysis, operations, management, and leadership. Participants learn to market to the right customers and showcase their value; assess financial statements to manage cash flow and increase profits; and hone their approach to leadership so they can recruit, motivate, and retain their most talented employees.

Building a Successful Diverse Business is designed for owners and key decision-makers who seek to learn the core skills needed to establish a high-performing business in the marketplace. The program is carefully customized to meet the unique needs of underrepresented entrepreneurs; business owners who are people of color, Native American, women, veterans of all ethnic and racial backgrounds, LGBTQI+, and/or disabled; and small business owners. Participants should have at least three years of ownership experience and annual revenue of $250,000 or more. Key direct reports are also encouraged to apply. 

This program is offered twice annually. Both sessions are open to diverse professionals from all industries.

Learn more about the Tuck Diversity Business Programs